A Wrexham mental health lawyer who specialises in the complexities of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) has organised a free training event in Wrexham next month for professionals who are involved with the care of mentally incapacitated people.
John Lancaster, a partner with leading North Wales law firm GHP Legal, will be explaining and answering questions on DoLS legislation, along with Solicitor Natalie Roberts from GHP Legal’s mental health team and barristers Bansa Singh Hayer and Eliza Sharron of Deans Court Chambers.
The two hour-long event will be chaired by His Honour Judge Butler who sits in the Court of Protection matters at Chester Civil Justice Centre.
Scheduled to take place in Wrexham at 4.30pm on Thursday 12th February, places at the event will be available to care home managers and advocates for those deprived of liberty under DoLS. Bookings must be made by 31st January.
Speaking today, Mr Lancaster said: “We are one of just a small handful of law firms who have a specialist mental health law unit offering legal advice and assistance on all aspects of law under the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 including Deprivation of Liberty. As a result of this we see on a weekly basis the confusion that surrounds the DoLS legislation.
“The aim of the training event is to assist advocates and care home managers in clarifying the current and ever-changing state of the DoLS legislation and to answer questions and concerns from those who work with incapacitated people. We are privileged to have the event chaired by His Honour Judge Butler, a local Judge and acknowledged author and expert on DoLS matters. Places will be limited so I would advise early booking. Interested parties should call Leah Mountford or Delyth Underwood on 01978 291456 or email leah.mountford@ghplegal.com